My favorite thing that happened last week was every morning, Finley would slowly come down the stairs and quietly say "Hi, Poppy." Then, he crawled into my lap and snuggled for a while and would always say "I love you, Poppy." There is nothing, no nothing better than that. I can't explain the joy it brings to me. He is so loving and it pleases me.

What does this have to do with a week full of news about marriage and a flag? I believe as Finley has treated me this week, we are to treat our Poppy the same. Love people and love Poppy. It pleases Him when He hears us say "Hi Poppy." It pleases Him when we jump into His arms and say "I love you, Poppy." With child-like faith, in the midst of the troubled waters, He wants us to jump into His arms and know that we are safe. There is nothing more important than this in our lives.
Mark 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
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Well said!!
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