Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Follow the Leader

Perhaps, you remember the game "Follow the Leader" when you were a kid.  According to an explanation in Wikipedia: "It is a children's game. First a leader or "head of the line" is chosen, then the children all line up behind the leader. The leader then moves around and all the children have to mimic the leader's actions. Any players who fail to do what the leader does are out of the game. The last person standing other than the leader is now the new leader."

Although, this is a children's game, many folks continue playing the game throughout their lives. Being in the Christian world, I have especially seen it within our Christian walls. For some reason, I have rejected it for the most part. I have pretty much been opposed to organized boycotts in which a scene is made for a supposed "Christian" purpose. I boycott a lot of things on a personal level but don't care for organized boycotts. Along those same lines, I don't really care for organized support just to make a point. I want to lend my support every day for those things worthy of my support. It's just me.

An example is that I don't really like going to church on Easter. There are so many people that go only on Easter that I would rather give up my seat for them and go on a run on the Greenway or go on a hike in the mountains. It's just me. Another example is the movie "The Passion of the Christ."  I have yet to see the movie. It seemed that seeing "The Passion" was required viewing for Christians. I am just not a "follow the leader" kind of guy when it comes to Christian "must do's." I pretty much reject "Christianese." I strive for following Jesus not what is expected of me according to the current "Christian" popular thing to do in order to prove my Christianity.

I know that I am in the minority among most of my friends and I am not looking for a debate. I liked "Follow the Leader" when I was a kid but not as an adult. There is only one Leader that I want to follow and I am not good at that.  It's just me.

1 Corinthians 13:11


Julie Bellotte said...

Wow! I will have to say that I'm a lot like that as well. It's not following man that's important anyway, but what God himself leads you to do in your own personal life. Thanks, Eddie!

Julie Bellotte said...
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